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water filter installation

Protect your home and your health.

Water softening systems are used in waters that have high hardness and therefore harden. The softening system is available in different sizes, with and without a cabin. These systems can be applied to both homes and industrial areas. Depending on the purpose, it can be applied together with preventive mechanical filters, sand and active carbon filters.

The principle of operation of water softening systems is to eliminate the ions that cause turbidity in water by means of ion exchange. A substance called ion exchange resin or resin, due to its negative charges, attracts positively charged ions in water.

Since the surface of the resin, which has been working in this form for some time, gets dirty, the second process begins. It cleans the polluting elements on it by means of NaCl solution and sends it to the sewage line. The process is controlled automatically through a programmable header system and requires no human intervention.
Softening systems prevent damage to all water-powered household appliances and ensure longevity. Another advantage is that cod reduces the consumption of substances such as shampoo, soap, and washing powder that are poorly soluble in water. It also leads to savings in electricity consumption and plays a role in increasing the efficiency of the heating system.

The water softening systems we offer are only products of well-known and reliable manufacturers, with official certificates and positive laboratory analysis results. Installation and future service is carried out by professional staff.