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True and false facts about water filters

The widespread use of water purification filters in recent years has led to the spread of negative and positive information about these systems. While some of this information is indeed true, at the same time many of them are, in fact, false. So The most common and untrue information about water filters what are they In this article, we touched on this topic.


  1. Dead water suspicion

People believe that filtered water is "dead water" and has a negative effect on the human body. In fact, in water purification systems working with reverse osmosis technology, only physical processes are carried out without any intervention in the chemical composition of water. Water is purified from harmful microorganisms and does not create any conditions that are harmful to the human body. The mineral content is restored to the standard level. They are a modernized form of traditional cleaning systems.


  1. Drink water without boiling

Drinking filtered water without boiling it is assumed to be risky. In fact, the water is purified so that it can be drunk without boiling. Considering that chlorine and other halogenated compounds are separated from water, we can say that it is possible to drink water without boiling. It is possible to drink filtered water without boiling it, and it is even better to drink it without boiling it


  1. Give children filtered water

Many people are hesitant to give filtered water to young children. But are these waters really dangerous for children? Of course not! The need for clean and quality water for adults is the same for children. There is no evidence or scientifically based opinion about any negative effect of these waters on the child's body.
We can say that filtered water is safe for children based on official information, research, and our own experience.


  1. Excessive water consumption

There are also thoughts that water purification filters use a lot of water and lead to wastage. In fact, if there is any malfunction in the water filter or if the water is extremely dirty, water waste can occur. The water consumption of a fully equipped device under normal conditions is about 60/40. In other words, it takes about 10 liters of water to produce 6 liters of clean water.


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See also: What is a water filter?

See also: Water filter models