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Savings with Soft Water – Water Softener

We have talked extensively about water softening systems in our previous articles. Briefly, we can mention that water softening systems are water purification devices that eliminate hardness in water and prevent hardening. It should be emphasized that it also protects all water-based equipment as it prevents condensation. You may be interested in: What is a water softening system? It may be interesting for you [...]

What are the cleaning systems for the water inlet of the house?

The most common problems in homes are sandy, muddy, chlorinated water and, most importantly, condensation. Clogging is a problem caused by the high hardness of the water. But in any case, there is a water purification system to remove such pollutants. So what water treatment system should we get for the home's water intake? The main issue here is which pollutants are causing the problem and whether this [...]

How to protect household items from mildew?

Household items have become integral parts of our lives. Appliances such as kettle, samovar, iron, washing machine and dishwasher are water-powered household appliances. This includes heating systems, water heaters, faucets, showers, etc. others can be added. The fact that the water has too much hardness brings the end of these techniques. Because the excess positively charged ions in water are permanent [...]

What is a water softening system?

Faucets, showers, water mixers, combi systems, washing machines, dishwashers, irons and other water-powered systems in your home get damaged over time due to mold. Hardness is caused by the accumulation of excess Ca+ (calcium) and Mg+ (magnesium) ions in water. These ions determine the degree of hardness of water. But how to prevent it? Currently, the most effective against […]