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water filter installation

Provide your company personnel with clean water.

Clean water is needed in offices and catering facilities as well as in homes. Several solutions are available to meet the clean water needs of staff, visitors or customers in hospitals, offices, schools and nurseries. These solutions vary according to the volume of water needed and the conditions to be installed.

It is possible to implement options such as home-type, restaurant-type, modified water filter, "Aks-smos" system for the general line, water purification dispenser to provide clean water to office and catering facilities.

The most common method of providing drinking water for offices is a water purification dispenser. In addition to purifying water with Reverse Osmosis technology, these dispensers have the function of making water both cold and hot. Both forms are provided with separate storage tanks to store water.

The water purification systems we offer are products owned by well-known and reliable manufacturers, with official certificates and positive laboratory analysis results. Installation and future service is carried out by professional staff.