
Contact information

"ICEBERG AQUA TREATMENT" Limited Liability Company privacy and security of information shared by our users is important to us. We inform you about the information you share with us and where and for what purposes the data will be used.


Purpose of processing your personal data

Our aim is to best fulfill the requirements of the services we offer, to ensure that you can use these services to the maximum extent, to develop our services according to your needs and to connect you with a wider range of service providers.

Your personal information that you share with us;

It can be given to third parties, domestic and foreign institutions and organizations, as well as judicial and administrative bodies, provided that necessary technical and administrative measures are taken.


Your rights as a data subject

  1. To find out whether personal data is being processed
  2. To request information if personal data has been processed
  3. To find out the purpose of personal data processing and whether it is used in accordance with its purpose
  4. Knowing the third parties to whom personal information is transferred domestically or abroad
  5. To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing
  6. Request deletion or destruction of personal information
  7. To request notification to third parties to whom personal data is transferred about operations carried out in accordance with clauses 5 and 6
  8. In case of loss of personal data as a result of illegal processing, he has the right to claim damages
  9. Objecting to the use of used data against the person himself by analyzing it through automated systems.

To exercise your rights mentioned above [email protected] you can contact us through


Effective: From November 16, 2022, the right of the institution to inform about the change of conditions is reserved.