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to drink water

How to Drink Water in the Right Form?

There is no one who does not know that drinking water is a healthy habit. But there is a second issue that should be noted here. Drink water in the right form. As the genius Nizami Ganjavi said: "When you drink, it will give you trouble." We would like to make a note here and note that drinking water not only in excess, but also in the wrong form can harm our body.


But how should we drink water in the right form?


  • Drink water when you are thirsty.

If you don't feel thirsty, there's no point in straining your body by drinking water in vain. You probably come across these ideas in various blog posts: "You must drink x liters of water a day." In fact, how much water you should drink can vary depending on your body weight, air temperature, and physical activity. Therefore, it is better if you drink water whenever you feel thirsty.

to drink water


  • Plain water is best.

You may think that tea, coffee, fruit juices and other drinks are based on water. However, those drinks also contain substances with water-repellent properties. This will make your body thirsty instead of quenching your thirst.

  • Don't be afraid to drink water when you sweat.

You can also not listen to your mothers in this matter. Sweating causes the body to lose water. Naturally, it is necessary to restore the lost water in the body as soon as possible. There is no harm in drinking clean and plain water that is not too cold when you are sweating.

to drink water

  • Drink water sitting down.

When drinking water standing up, the water passes through the esophagus at high speed and goes directly to the lower part of the stomach. This can damage the digestive system, stomach and kidneys. Therefore, try to sit and keep your back straight while drinking water.

to drink water


  • Pay attention to the water temperature.

When drinking water, its temperature should be adjusted according to weather conditions. Try not to drink icy or very cold water.


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