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How to make a habit of drinking water?

You probably know how indispensable drinking water is for the body. But let's face it, even if we know this, we find it difficult to act. Many people express opinions such as "I want to drink water, but it is impossible", "I forget to drink water", "I cannot drink ordinary water". Well, how can we make drinking water a habit? All useful […]

How should pools be treated?

The first condition for healthy and clean pool water is to maintain the chemical balance of the pool. For this, pools should be maintained periodically and chemicals that are harmless to human health should be used. The following chemicals are commonly used for swimming pools; Powdered chlorine Tablet chlorine Precipitating liquid Anti-algae PH reducer But how should swimming pools be treated and what to pay attention to […]

How should water filters be maintained?

Almost everyone now takes advantage of the help of water filters to have drinking water. These devices clean the water, but at the same time, they cannot perform their function after a while due to the fact that they accumulate pollutants on them. In this case, the filters of the water purifier should be replaced with new ones. But what should be the maintenance of water filters and what to pay attention to […]

Water filter or water softener?

Of course, everyone wants to use clean water. Drinking, preparing tea and food, cleaning, etc. We need water to perform vital tasks such as If the water is not as clean as we want, then we need the help of water purification equipment. When it comes to water purification systems, we are greeted by a huge variety of product forms and varieties. […]

How should the water filter be installed?

The installation of water filters may vary according to the type of appliance and the manufacturer's instructions. However, in general, some standard steps should be followed to install a water filter. How should the water filter be installed? The location for the installation of the water purification filter must be selected. In this place, it is necessary to have a water inlet, enough space for the installation of the device and access to the sewage line. Kitchen […]

True and false facts about water filters

The widespread use of water purification filters in recent years has led to the spread of negative and positive information about these systems. While some of this information is indeed true, at the same time many of them are, in fact, false. So what are some of the most common water filter myths that aren't actually true? In this article, we touched on this topic. Dead water suspicion […]

What are the cleaning systems for the water inlet of the house?

The most common problems in homes are sandy, muddy, chlorinated water and, most importantly, condensation. Clogging is a problem caused by the high hardness of the water. But in any case, there is a water purification system to remove such pollutants. So what water treatment system should we get for the home's water intake? The main issue here is which pollutants are causing the problem and whether this [...]

Why do water filter prices vary?

The great demand for water filters in recent years has resulted in many and varied options. Different varieties, different features and different prices continue to emerge. Why does the water filter price change? As with all other products, the price of a water filter varies mainly according to quality indicators and brands. The main parameters affecting the price are for you […]

How to protect household items from mildew?

Household items have become integral parts of our lives. Appliances such as kettle, samovar, iron, washing machine and dishwasher are water-powered household appliances. This includes heating systems, water heaters, faucets, showers, etc. others can be added. The fact that the water has too much hardness brings the end of these techniques. Because the excess positively charged ions in water are permanent [...]

How to purify water at home?

Water is vital for all living organisms. Contamination of water, which is considered the source of life, leads to great consequences in terms of health. In this case, the way out is to use purified water. But how to purify water at home? These simple methods will help you clean your water at home. Mechanical method: Cover the mouth of the plastic container with a clean cloth [...]