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Reverse Osmosis Water Purification System | Lachin City

New residential areas and houses are being built in the city of Lachin after the occupation. Based on the order of the company implementing the projects, we have completed the installation of two reverse osmosis devices with a daily water purification capacity of 2 m3 so that the workers working in the construction site have healthy and clean water. Reverse osmosis systems are equipped with preventive filters and a 40x21 membrane. These systems water high [...]

The Heart of Water Filters: Spare Parts

We already know that water filters clean the water that comes to our house and make it drinkable. But it should not be forgotten that during this cleaning process, the filters inside the device get dirty and other details also fail over time. In order for our water to be always clean and safe, our water filter device must be constantly maintained, and spare parts that are about to fail must be replaced with new ones. But […]

The Secret to Flavor: The Importance of Water Treatment Systems in Restaurants

The secret of delicious meals depends not only on the professionalism of the chef, but also on the quality of the ingredients. One of the most important aspects that is often overlooked, but is the basis of flavor, is the quality of the water. In particular, restaurants should pay attention to the quality of the water they use extensively at every stage of service. This article talks about the vital importance of clean water and water purification systems in restaurants [...]

What Are Industrial Water Treatment Systems? – Types and Functions

Water is indispensable in almost all industries. Sometimes just having water is not enough. In order for this water to be clean and usable, it needs to undergo various purification processes. At this point, industrial water purification systems come to the rescue. But what are industrial water treatment systems? In our article, industrial water treatment [...]

When Should Water Purifier Filters Be Changed?

Despite the widespread distribution of water purification filters in our country, the issue of replacing filters and providing proper maintenance of the device remains a problem. If you ask any user or company about their turnaround times, the answers you will get will vary. Because there is no concept of specific change time in water purification systems. This period varies according to many factors. […]

What Are the Symptoms of Water Filter Failure?

Just as playing with fire is dangerous, so is playing with water. Therefore, if you use a water filter, you should be careful. If you don't know enough about water treatment systems, it can leave you without water when you least expect it. At worst, neglect can cause an accident and put you face-to-face with your downstairs neighbor. […]

How to Drink Water in the Right Form?

There is no one who does not know that drinking water is a healthy habit. But there is a second issue that should be noted here. Drink water in the right form. As the genius Nizami Ganjavi said: "When you drink, it will give you trouble." We would like to make a note here and note that drinking water not only in excess, but also in the wrong form can harm our body. […]

Savings with Soft Water – Water Softener

We have talked extensively about water softening systems in our previous articles. Briefly, we can mention that water softening systems are water purification devices that eliminate hardness in water and prevent hardening. It should be emphasized that it also protects all water-based equipment as it prevents condensation. You may be interested in: What is a water softening system? It may be interesting for you [...]

What Should We Pay Attention to When Buying a Water Filter? 5 Tips

The equipment we call a water filter actually covers a very wide area. Currently, the most demanded products are household drinking water filters. Naturally, as the demand increases, so does the supply and product range. We share with you small and useful tips to choose the right one among such a wide variety. What to Consider When Buying a Water Filter […]

Order water or buy a water filter? – Calculation

Everyone needs clean water to carry out normal life activities. Some meet this need by using a water filter, and some by ordering water. There have always been some differences of opinion regarding whether to use water filters or bottled water. In our previous articles, we have provided extensive information about water filters. This time more […]