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industrial water purification systems

What Are Industrial Water Treatment Systems? – Types and Functions

Water is indispensable in almost all industries. Sometimes just having water is not enough. In order for this water to be clean and usable, it needs to undergo various purification processes. Help at this moment industrial water purification systems is enough


But what are industrial water treatment systems?


In this article, we will talk about the types, functions and places of use of industrial water purification systems. First, as a definition, let us note that industrial water purification systems are a set of devices that ensure adaptation of water used in industries to the requirements of the process or equipment (cleaning, deionization, ultrafiltration, etc.).


The most common types of water treatment are:


Reverse Osmosis (RO) Systems

Reverse osmosis is a process that cleans water by passing it through the pores of a membrane under high pressure. RO systems use different types of membrane technologies to remove heavy metals, large contaminants, and inorganic contaminants from water. These systems are widely used mainly in drinking water production and wastewater treatment.


Ion Exchange Systems (Water Softening)

Ion exchange systems are used to purify water from various ions. Water is special with resins is passed through the filled flasks and the resins remove the ions from the water. These systems are mostly used in industrial water softening, deionization and various chemical processes.


Ultrafiltration (UF) Systems

Ultrafiltration is a process that removes contaminants such as microbes, viruses, particles and colloids from water. These systems filter water through microporous membranes to remove pollutant components. UF systems are mainly used in drinking water treatment, food and beverage industry.


Electrodeionization (EDI) Systems

Electrodeionization is a technology that combines ion exchange and electrochemical processes. These systems deionize water by passing ion exchange resins through a regenerative electrode. EDI systems are used to provide clean water used in electronics manufacturing facilities.


Activated Carbon Filter Systems

Activated carbon filter systems are used to purify water from organic and chlorinated components. Activated carbon is a porous material that has undergone special processes and removes pollutants by adsorbing water. These systems are mainly used in drinking water treatment and chemical processes.


The design and installation of these systems may vary according to the requirements of the enterprise. To get more information about the systems and get acquainted with the offers from this link Complete the contact form by clicking the link.