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How to check water purity?

How to check water purity?

Adequate water intake throughout the day is vital for humans as it is for any living creature. In addition, special attention should be paid to the purity of water. A person drinks about 35 tons of water during his life. Therefore, it is important to check its quality.

But how can we check the purity of water at home?

It has a few simple rules. We share these rules with you.

  1. Pour water into a clean and transparent bottle, close the cap and store in a dark environment.
    After a few days, if sediment, scum, and a thin layer form on the surface of the water, then this is dirty water and contains a lot of heavy metals.
  2. Boil the water, then keep it on low heat for a while, then wait for it to cool and drain the water. The presence of calcareous deposits at the bottom of the water indicates that it is dirty. If the color of the lime is gray, it is due to the concentration of calcium, if it is brown or yellow, it means that it is coated with iron.
  3. It is also possible to determine whether the water is suitable for drinking with a manganese solution. Add some manganese to a glass of water and wait for the result. The water should be light pink. If the water turns yellow, it is of poor quality and should not be drunk. Manganese solution turns pale when organic matter decomposes.
  4. To test the purity of your water, pour a drop of water on a clean mirror. After the water evaporates, if there is a mark on the mirror, then this water is dirty.
  5. Clean water is heavier than dirty water. With the help of a special sensitive scale, 2 samples can be taken. Test both samples in the same container.
  6. This test is used to determine the hardness of water. Add a small amount of soap to the water. If the water is soft, it will melt quickly and create large amounts of foam. If the water is hard, the exact opposite will happen. Because the calcium and magnesium ions in the water prevent the soap from foaming well.
  7. The most accurate and modern method is "Tdsmeter” is to use a device called This device is used to measure the total sum of all impurities in water. If the indicator is between the values of 0-60, this is compliance with drinking water standards. Values above 60 indicate that the water is dirty.

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